When you start dating someone new and immediately click, you want to know more about him. Here we discuss the Cancer compatibilty. You are eager to know what he likes, how he communicates and how compatible he is with you. Zodiac compatibility helps you understand these traits.
Born between 21st June to 22nd July, Cancer compatibility is a very real and a Cancer in relationship makes a loyal duo, showcasing deep attachment. But here is the downside.
Their compassionate and emotional nature can often make them oversensitive and insecure. Imagine this happening at both ends.
While love is a beautiful sentiment, we should not neglect that a relationship needs stability.
Let’s find out how things work in a Cancer-Cancer love scene.
The Good And The Bad Of A Cancerian Man
Caring, loyal and emotional are all synonyms of a Cancer man. Just like their ruling planet, the Moon, the Cancer men signify care and comfort.
They will put in all their emotional strength to understand anyone and feel comfortable around the ones they love. Cancerian will give preference to the needs of their loved ones even if they must neglect their own.
Cancer man and woman both are loyal to the depth of their hearts. For them, a commitment is a final declaration of the thing getting done.
They are extremely sensitive and sentimental. It is difficult for them to forget anything wrong done to them. Yet, they are forgiving. Male Cancer is at its worst when they have a good drama. If you have done something they don’t like, then be ready for their rage.
Being revengeful is another distinct characteristic of a Cancer man. They can get upset about the smallest of things without any reason. would blame others and make them feel bad for their actions.
The Typical Cancerian Girl?
If any of the zodiacs are selfless, devoted, and nurturing all in the same package, it must be a Cancer woman.
Looking out for your loved ones and protecting them is their only task. Cancer man represent the cardinal water sign by flowing like a river, nurturing everyone they meet. They are queens of mood and natural givers. They believe in being associated with people who understand them well.
One of their best traits is never jumping to conclusions without listening to the other side of the story. In this way, they can maintain relationships at every level of life.
Being a woman of an intuitive nature, a Cancer woman can mind-control and manipulate people easily.
On A Dating Spree

Got yourself a date with a Cancer man?
You are about to step into the world of deepest emotional connections, which last longer than you can think. At first glance, a Cancer man may seem a shy person who blushes in your presence and doesn’t know how to approach you. Make the first move, and he will be impressed by your courage. You can in touch with us please read weekly horoscope for better relationship.
A Cancer man shows strong traits of a nurturer and a caregiver and a highly protective of his loved ones. He will feel your joys and sorrows with the same intensity as yours.
Like any crab, they conceal their feelings behind a hard shell. But their inner self is affectionate and sentimental to the max.
If your idea of a second date with a Cancer man is to spend an evening on the couch, watching Netflix, then you have cracked the code! A Cancer man is one of the most romantic cuddlers in the zodiac.
Moreover, a Cancer woman gives her 100% to a relationship. For them, love is the most deep-seated emotion. They seek honesty and genuineness in their spouses. Just like the attributes of their ruling planet, the Moon, their sentimental flow goes through phases of high tides and low tides.
They showcase quick mood changes. Where on the one hand, they can be emotional, romantic, dutiful and compliant. On the other hand, they can be equally stubborn, fierce, volatile and angry. So, don’t be surprised to see them overreact and exhibit extreme love on the same day.
Just like a Cancer man, a Cancer woman also exhibits hermit-like nature. They are not very reluctant to come out of their comfort zone. But once they do, take it as a green signal for your entry into the circle of important people in their life.
Score On The Compatibility Meter
There is a lot of drama and emotion between 2 Cancer in a relationship. Full of intense feelings and affection, a Cancer man and a Cancer woman exhibit an extremely sensitive side of the water sign. They tend to relate to the word through their sentiments and get completely involved in a relationship so much that they may seem clingy. Caner man and woman always looking for emotional security and comfort.
There can be lots of tears and drama between them, but their chemistry is awe-inspiring. Not only are 2 Cancer compatible, but they are also here to stay for the long haul.
If you are a Cancer man or a Cancer woman, this compatibility meter will help you make better choices. So, let’s get started.
F Stands For Friendship
Compatibility Score: 56%
When you are a Cancer, dating another Cancer, you share a strong bond of intuition. You naturally know what your spouse thinks, feels and needs. Girls always tend to like and dislike similar things. They sense things about people or situations according to their gut feeling and very good at assessing a situation and giving advice based on their intuition.
They put their guard down in front of each other. Communication is one of their key skills. So, if you have done something wrong, don’t worry, they will let it be known out loud.
Be ready to witness a weird flow of humor and laughter bonding the duo like magnets. But, as far as extreme mood swings are considered, you can find them snipping at their bae anytime. Sometimes over-communication can become dangerous. Therefore they might need to call in a third person to sort things out in a Cancer and Cancer marriage.
What makes friendship extremely special between 2 Cancer people is the ideology that each moment cannot be a happy one, being sad or sentimental is equally necessary for the soul.
Communication: Hear What Isn’t Said
Compatibility Score: 82%
Not only are 2 Cancer compatible as friends but, they also have an excellent command of their communication skills.
Verbal exchange of thoughts and feelings is a regular thing, but they also connect well in a mental, non-vocal manner.
When 2 cancers in a relationship are at the right spot, verbal expression may take the backseat. And if frustrated, it can be conveyed by giving the silent treatment.
But be careful not to prolong it! Your bae might start having trust issues.
It is beneficial for a Cancer duo to use correct verbalization as the building blocks of their relationship.
Intimacy Is Important
Compatibility Score: 90%
Cancers only take the matter between the sheets when they find themselves in a comfortable emotional zone. They have a simple rule:
“Give more and take more!”
They are the most sensual and emotional zodiac signs of all. And hence, their lovemaking skills are top-rated. Satin sheets, candles, exotic aromas and lacy lingerie are regular.
A Cancer man and a Cancer woman in a sexual relationship, love being appreciated. The more they appreciate each other, their bond becomes more intense. They have a strong intuition about what their partner might like or dislike in bed, so they get in tune quickly and show long-term stability.
The duo can understand each other’s emotional needs and like to work accordingly as far as sex is concerned. They are also touch-and-feel ones, so the language of touch works very well as foreplay. A Cancer knows how to read between the lines. This makes it easier for them to judge what their partner wants in bed.
A hiccup may arise between 2 cancers in a relationship when each one is trying to satiate their partner’s desire without expressing their own sexual needs. This often leads to mixed signals and might become a reason for their breakup.
What Brings The Strife?
You are 2 Cancers in a relationship and your vibes totally match.
Bingo! You have found your soulmate!
Feeling extremely comfortable in each other’s presence and being able to converse well is a blessing.
The problem arises when one gets moody and throws tantrums at the other. People with the Cancer zodiac sign might display passive-aggressive behavior a little too often. And they don’t like being vocal too soon. They like to wait for their partner to understand on their own. If a loss in translation happens and their partner cannot read their mind, the situation might blow out of proportion.
The Crab gets easily succumbs to depression owing to its sensitive nature and tidal emotions. If a Cancer man or a Cancer woman is hurt, they can reject the other without waiting for their partner to reject them. They are sometimes so deeply rooted in their feelings that it might become difficult to reason with them.
Should You Say “I Do”?
A Cancer and Cancer marriage would be a blissful journey since, the mutual understanding, emotional investment and compassion between them are remarkable. But their marriage can face some hurdles, too.
The Crab likes to be secretive, and secrets can create rifts very easily. If a Cancer man and a Cancer woman start keeping things from one another in a marriage, they will end up puzzling their spouses. If they miss the extremely important task of communicating to the core, their relationship might be in trouble.
A marriage will stay fresh for a longer time if the excitement, the compassion and the lovemaking go a long way, too. Anything monotonous may easily disinterest Cancerians, so they must come out of their shells and experience something new with their partner time and again.
Both a Cancer man and a Cancer woman are money minded. They have a natural affinity towards financial stability, which can be very important in a marriage. In this regard, it is of utmost importance for 2 Cancer in a relationship to maintain a sense of financial responsibility. This would lead to a smooth married life.
The Cat’s Out Of The Bag!
If you are a Cancer man or a Cancer woman and are looking for a fully committed partner for a lifetime, then someone with a Cancer sun sign is your perfect twin flame.
A Cancer man and a Cancer woman in a relationship will try their best to keep it perfect. Their communication and deep emotions would keep them on track and perfectly in sync. They are one of the most trustworthy and loyal zodiac signs; hence, they should give their Cancerian counterparts enough space to explore life independently.
Cancer never forgets anything said or done wrong. But, things can get worse if every heated argument arises from the past.
By focusing more on fixing the situation and sticking around, 2 Cancers in a relationship can conquer their future together.
1. Does a Cancer woman get jealous easily?
Cancer woman is very sentimental and moody. Due to these attributes, you might see them on the edge and erratic. They can get jealous if you compliment a colleague or just because of a lack of attention.
2. How can you get a Cancer man to like you?
Cancerian men are shy and appreciate a girl breaking the ice and approaching them first. They are very protective and affectionate about their family. Therefore, asking them about their family or talking to them about yours can help you win over him.
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